Monday, February 10, 2020

4 questions to ask before you join a fitness program

Do you want to wear that dress you used to wear in high school again? I'm sure you do. Only this time you are no more in high school.

You're a woman and wherever life has taken you, added to the choices you made and experiences you are going through, that dress might just not fit you anymore.

With age and changing times and habits, you are adding weight and that means the high school dress that looked good on you will not be a perfect fit for your body.

Back then you looked gorgeous. Now in the present, you only think of yourself as ugly or shapeless.

You know times have changed and so equally as your body!

 But if you still desire to look good and get back into that admirable shape that got your attention back then and I'm sure you do, then here are four questions you need to ask yourself.

1) Time

Life is work and fun. But to some people there is never enough time to do anything outside of work. They always have a very busy work schedule. Do you see yourself in this? 

Is your day filled with appointments, meetings, family, children, and so on, such that you can't dedicate an hour to yourself to do some workouts? 

2) Procrastination

Okay, you've been telling yourself you're going to do something to improve your image and your one plan is to get into a workout program tailored to your needs. 

Have you been telling yourself "I'm going to do it," but keep postponing? What stops you from going for that shape that you want and what stops you from really getting started?

3) The Easy Way Out

Getting back into shape requires patience and dedication to a program suited to your needs and seeing gradual changes every day as you work out. 

Are you patient enough to go through a workout program and see gradual changes or are you looking for an easy way out?

4)  Food Intake

 Getting into shape requires a rich healthy diet which means letting go of the processed foods and carbohydrates you love eating so much. Are you willing to give up on some or all of these foods just to get back the shape you want? 

Would you be willing to substitute them for much healthier equivalents that are low in fat and sugar no matter the taste?

Every day, people are determined to live well. They want to live much healthier lives, eat healthier food and go about life with a brighter more glowing appearance. 

Achieving all of this requires some great effort and discipline on your part to make it happen.

Sometimes all it needs is for you to take a pondered decision to go for the looks and the shape that you want. And it wouldn't require a whole lifetime for you to make that decision.

You can start right NOW! What do you think?

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