Friday, February 10, 2023

8 factors to consider when choosing a fitness gadgets


Man wearing Apple Watch
Image courtesy Unsplash

Health and fitness are always a part of most people's New Year's resolutions. And so a lot of people at the beginning of each year get obsessed with how
 to lose weight, stay fit, and eat healthily.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Perfect Female Body Shape, does it exist?

Every woman is beautiful, no matter what her body shape may be.

Woman holding handbag
Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

  The perfect female body shape that defines feminine beauty from the past to the present has not changed. This is because much of it relies on media perception. What perhaps may have changed is the male perception of what the perfect body shape is. 

And there is a wide range of opinions on the subject that is as diverse as the different body types women have.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Shape your body for a summer in bikini

     If you are going on holidays, don't forget your bikini!

 A summer in bikini might be what you are looking up to. And that is because you know that, they are made to look good on any woman. For you it means, you can stun your partner by showing off what a great body you have.

Having a good body and a great shape, 

instills in any woman the self-confidence that she needs. The lack of self-confidence brings out insecurities in many women. And if those insecurities are related to the way you see your body, 

this will make you see a different image of yourself. An image that doesn't relate to you.

Monday, February 10, 2020

4 questions to ask before you join a fitness program

Do you want to wear that dress you used to wear in high school again? I'm sure you do. Only this time you are no more in high school.

You're a woman and wherever life has taken you, added to the choices you made and experiences you are going through, that dress might just not fit you anymore.

With age and changing times and habits, you are adding weight and that means the high school dress that looked good on you will not be a perfect fit for your body.